Discover the Power of the Mother
Navaratri; 9 Nights of the Mother and 9 Days of Peace Circles
Join an online process to discover the Mother's infinite source of peace, power, love, and connection to bring relief to yourself and others
What the process will entail:
All sessions take place via Zoom (video enabled)
An information and initiation call will take place on Sunday October 3rd at 08.30 EDT
You can join Peace Circles once or twice a day scheduled at 08.30 EDT and 20.30 EDT
Peace Circles will be held for 9 days from Thursday, October 7th to Friday, October 15th
Sessions will run for 60-90 minutes
You are encouraged to join each day
No prior meditation experience necessary
Important preparation for Navaratri Peace Circles:
Register by October 2nd to receive the necessary information and to join the initiation call
You will be sent an instruction booklet with short mantras to practice when you register (additional help will be available) as well as the Zoom link
It is important to be vegetarian throughout the process​
Check your time zone against EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
$108 is the suggested contribution however you are welcome to contribute any amount
All proceeds will be donated to the Naisha Trust for its work in building connections and creating a Peace Community
Make a difference and help bring a new world to life!
You can also take a personal Atma Jyoti Course
and learn more about Peace Circles