Conflict Resolution with Spiritual Solution
Conflict Resolution
Spiritual Solution
Conflict is born out of a false belief in separate identity, whether it is personal or collective
It is born out of fear of not being all that I think I am
Yet it is the opportunity to release the very ideas which imprison us and cause us to feel imprisoned
It is an opportunity to transcend the survival of identity instinct
Conflict is an opportunity not to win against another but to realise our false beliefs can be released
Conflict is an opportunatity for our true spirit to prevail over our own false beliefs
Whatever the type of conflict, the true spirit of humanity is stronger
The solution to conflict is the awakening of our inherent spirit
Conflict Resolution is a Spiritual Solution
The true spirit of humanity is connection not separation
The true spirit of humanity overcomes the fear that identity has to survive, driving the survival instinct of I over/against/beneath you
It is the spirit of humanity which survives, all else is false and unaware
The spirit of humanity is an energy which is, and knows connection
Raising the spirit of humanity overcomes the false belief in separation/difference/survival of identity
The spirit of humanity releases us from the fight-flight-trauma cycle of enegy which perpetuates fear, the sense of loss, and separation
The spirit of humanity is the same within each one of us
It's nature is freedom from identity; infinite peace, love, truth, wisdom, and connection
it is the absence of fear, which needs to identify and which breeds conflict
Ask for personal or group Conflict Resolution Training or join Peace Circles to experience the freedom of your, and humanity's, spirit